Friday, September 12, 2008


Dear Everyone,

Summer is fast disappearing and Fall is upon us! I love the various seasons, but am not yet ready for Fall or Winter. My "to do list" is still enormous and much on the list, requires, warm sunny days.

Last year I nearly killed myself stripping furniture in an unventilated room as it was freezing outside and I could not bare to open the doors. Consequently, all furniture projects must be completed whilst still warm. I am also endeavouring to get the garden in order before the snow falls - I have spent hours outside working but can hardly see where I have been.

Much of what has happened since last writing is fairly mundane, but if I don't write about it, I have little else! Sad eh?

Alex and I did manage to get in another 'girl's day out'. We began our day with haircuts and then set forth to help out the sagging American economy by shopping!!! Alas, our purchases were very minor indeed, nothing that would set the stock markets into motion. Shopping burns millions of calories, so of course we treated ourselves to a long, leisurely lunch, before heading back to Alex's house in an effort to make decorating decisions. Can't really remember if we achieved anything, but it was a very enjoyable day and I did manage to make it home, with Alex in tow, to meet our husbands in time to have dinner out altogether. (We could hardly be expected to cook after such an exhausting day!)

Erin finished her summer courses and had a little bit of time off before the next semester, so she came to stay for almost a week. We had a great time and managed to secure a photographer, and dj for the wedding. We spent lots of time meeting with prospective photographers, videographers and DJs so it was not only fun, but productive as well.

Our annual "Sunfish meeting" (a meeting of all landowners who use the private road called Sunfish), proved to be a lot of fun with very few matters which needed discussing. It was held at our neighbours house, where they provided a barbeque with the rest of us bringing plates to pass. We are very lucky that we like all our neighbours.

After the meeting a couple who currently reside in Chicago, but own an undeveloped parcel of land, came to visit. They stayed until almost midnight chatting, after which Paul and I fell into bed exhausted after a long but enjoyable day.

In the last Blog I mentioned that Paul had a toothache, so poor guy had to see a dentist and have his tooth removed. Because he is on blood thinners, he had to wait almost a week and have his levels tested before they would remove it (along with a couple of wisdom teeth). By the time he had the tooth removed, he would have been happy to allow them to decapitate him!!!! Nothing is ever simple for Paul.

Lauren has now started her new position as Forensic examiner and is very happy in her new role. For those of you who are interested, I am putting in a web address which directs you to an article about a British Ship where several of the crew were "busted" for using drugs. Lauren was the one who performed the tests on these guys.

On the 27th of August, Lauren went for her interview with the American Embassy, seeking permission to visit us for Christmas. Unfortunately, they would not give her permission, although they were sympathetic about which she has been through. They said they would check her file and advise her within 60 days whether she is banned for 3 or 10 years!!!!! They said she should have been processed before she turned 21 and that she should have received a letter advising when she should leave America. She got neither, but oh well - she has to pay the price.

We were all dreadfully upset but have now accepted the situation as there is nothing else we can do. We are determined however to be together for Christmas and we are currently planning our Christmas in Niagara Falls. I have been there in the Summer and was awestruck by its wonderous beauty and I promised myself (Paul did too), that we would make the trip one year and see it in Winter. It was Paul's suggestion to go there and the kids are all excited as none of them have seen it yet.

It has taken awhile, but I have managed to find a house to rent that will accommodate all of us. It actually sleeps 20! It is handicap accessible for Paul and is close to the Falls, casinos, restaurants, shopping etc. It is actually the Niagara Falls Golf Club, which we don't expect to be open for golf at Christmas. The weather is our only concern - we do not want any snow storms when we are driving or when kids are supposed to fly in. Damien, Jessica and Lauren will fly into Toronto ( 1 1/2 hours away), Kelly, Nate and Chris will fly into Buffalo New York (40 mins away). Paul, Erin and I will drive ( 6 1/2 hours). Erin will come with us, as we intend to be there from 20th Dec. to 1st Jan. and Chris will only be able to join us from 23 - 28. The others will all stay from 20 - 1st. Damien and Jessica hope to be able to drive back to Michigan with us and stay for a few days before flying back to London.

There is much to plan, but I expect it will be a wonderful, wonderful Christmas with many happy memories to take away with us.

A couple of weeks ago, we eventually had the pleasure of the company of Srs. Lucille, Sr. Sandi and their Aussie mate Angela for the weekend. The reason I say 'eventually' was because, they arrived much, much later than expected. It seems they set out from Chicago in a timely manner, with Sr. Sandi driving and Sr. Lucille as navigator. Dear sainted Angela rode in the back seat to enjoy the ride and the entertainment!

They were well prepared for the journey with snack food (thank God for that!), rosary beads and Map Quest. As we were expecting them for the evening meal, we did ask that they call when they were about 1/2 hour from the house. Finally the call came in, so I started the dinner rolling (silly, silly, me).

It is good to know that God does not play favourites, because despite Map Quest and prayers, they got hopelessly lost! They called for directions from Paul, but alas at this point he was not much help as they could not identify where they were - a country road with no buildings for identification, no street signs, was not sufficient information for Paul to guide them out.

Being female, they did stop to ask for directions at a farmhouse that appeared to have someone home as evidenced by open garage doors, lights on etc. but no-one answered their calls (or were they pleas of desperation)??? I pictured a farmer hiding behind a door thinking to himself "I don't want to be saved right now by a couple of nuns - gosh darn it, it is supper time"!!!!

They set off while connected to Paul on the phone and finally were able to give him enough information for him to guide them home!! It seems that someone whom I will not identify by name, (picture Sr. Sandi driving and the dear sainted Angela in the back)had inadvertently picked up a page of Map Quest directions from a previous trip some hours away from here and the elusive "Cooper Street" they were seeking was nowhere in the vicinity!

Oh well, all is well that ends well and with the patient, helpful, non-judging guidance (as if) from Paul they arrived tired and hungry at their intended destination and were rewarded with a wholesome, overcooked dinner for their efforts!

They did ask that I not mention it to anyone, but hey! I never claimed to be an angel, and it was good fodder for a boring blog. Anyway, I believe that Nuns like to practice humility and I would never deprive them of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This little episode set the scene for a wonderful weekend - we laughed from the time they arrived until they left. Angela was great company and it was a real treat for me to sit and chat with a fellow Aussie - and someone who could understand me without constant repitition!!! It did make me a little homesick just the same.

On the Saturday, Lucky and Nancy arrived as well, so we all had lunch and then a nice boat ride around the lake. The weather was perfect. The lost trio headed off to Mass that evening, only after we may them recite after us, the directions there and back (only 3 turns mind you). Whilst they were at Mass, Lucky and Nancy headed back to Chicago, not waiting to say goodbye to the others as they figured they would stay for awhile after Mass and pray for a safe trip back the next day!!!

Last weekend, Erin, Chris and Chris' parents (Erin's future in-laws) joined us for the weekend! Straightforward trip for them - guess they read the right pages of Map Quest.

Well what can I say about their visit - poor bloody Erin and Chris!!!!!!!!

Only joking, I had to put that in in case they read this!!! We had a great weekend with them - we all got along very well and had lots of fun. The Marriage Celebrant came to the house on Saturday and so we now have another wedding detail finalised. We then went to check out Brook Lodge where both the wedding and the rehearsal dinner will be held. Both Maura and Jim loved the site, so that was good.

The mandatory boat ride around the lake was next, followed by dinner and a very unusual display by the 'in-laws". I do not tell a lie, but at one point, Maura laid herself down on the floor just inside our front door, doing all sorts of unusual poses (very odd behaviour don't you think?). It was not long after that that Jim decided to try the floor as well and he appeared to be preparing himself for a sleep. Unusual performances by both of them.......

Oh did I mention we were playing a game called Cranium? Guess I should - it is only fair, even though it does spoil a good story. Maura it seems was a mermaid at the time, and Jim was acting out a water bed, hence the gyrations that could have been well a bit on the blue side if one didn't know it was a game. They were great sports and losers at the game. As were we - I think Erin and Chris won.

Kelly had to go for her check up last week and to our great relief, she passed with flying colours! She now moves on to 6 monthly check ups as it will soon be 5 years since diagnose.

Kyler is walking everywhere now. He took his first steps just before the 10 month mark, but has now mastered it and does very well. He just gets cuter by the day, although I never thought that could be possible.

Damien and Jessica are well, and are getting excited about coming to Canada and hopefully the US before too long. The time will pass quickly for them as they are moving apartments next month.

We recently dragged ourselves out of bed at the crack of dawn to go for an early morning boatride. It was my suggestion which I deeply regretted when the alarm went off. Larry and Jan our neighbours joined us, and they are like Paul - bright and chirpy in the morning!!! I just like to have coffee and stare and grunt for awhile, so they talked to each other til I could function. It did turn out to be a good idea though as it was beautiful on the lake early in the morning and even better because Jan cooked a yummy breakfast for us all afterwards!!!! When the alarm went off, I vowed never to do it again, however, after the ride and breakfast, I changed my mind!! It goes on my "gonna do again" calendar.

On Sunday night, around 11.30 pm when we were getting ready for bed after a very full weekend, I let Mack outside to "empty". He was back very quickly, followed by a very familar odour!!!! He had been skunked again. I really wanted to cry, throw-up, scream but experience has taught me to act quickly.

Paul took him upstairs while I grabbed the Dawn, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (thanks Danny and Sid) and I jumped into the shower with him. Whilst I showered him - for ages and ages, Paul lit every scented candle in the house.

We managed to get rid of some of the smell and after washing everything - shower curtains, towels, bath mats etc. the smell inside the house is now okay. However, the elevator still stinks as does Mack particularly now that it is raining as when he gets wet, the smell is more evident.

He is headed for another shower tonight - lucky, lucky me. Skunks show me that God has a sense of humour - because they are so pretty to look at and the stink is like no other smell! Paul has my permission to blast any skunk he sees from here to Kingdom come in the future. I don't care any more how pretty they look!!!!

Well folks, as usual, I have rambled on and on. I have included pictures as usual at the end for those of you who are interested.

Love to everyone, Kathy

Kelly's girls' day/night out with two of her special friends - Kim and Joanne.

It seems they had a really great time.

My darling, cheeky grandson.

Toys are more interesting from this height!

Ok - I will look at you, but I am busy you know.

Walking is exhausting, time for sleep with teddy.

Chris in training for marriage!
In the dog house.
Paul and Jim on the ATV

Mack with his favourite teddy!
Toohey after a romp in the woods.
It took four of us an hour to brush him out

Maura and Paul on the ATV

Chris and Erin's engagement photo


mary said...

So nice to "finally" read that you are still around!! We visited Connie and Charley a couple weeks ago with the new corvette [dubbed "write me a ticket, red"]. but were riding around and eating out so did not get to see you. Maybe next time.

Your Christmas is going to be GREAT,, winter at the falls..Beautiful..

Mary [Connie's mom]

Van-Go said...

Okay, you got us both! Will was reading you blog and got to the part where Flick came in and said, wow with all that is going on in your life, how did you ever find time to log on to our blog. Then I was checkin your blog out and decided to leave a comment and who to I see but Mary!!! We laughed so hard....a mutual friend. It really is a small world! Thanks for sharing you with the rest of us.