Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Rilee Grace
Born Sept. 6
with her Daddy

Dear All,

This edition of my blog is so very hard to begin - I have no idea where to much much sadness in my life right now.

I think I shall begin with the joy! I am so happy to tell you all the my darling little granddaughter - Rilee Grace has arrived. She was born on Sept. 6 (her due date), weighing 7lb 9oz and 19 and 1/4 inches in length.
Rilee at 5 days
With Aunty Kelly
in the NICU

After much drama and anxiety, she was released from hospital some 5 days later, but was still under the care of health care nurses until Sunday when she received her final injection. She was checked out by a pediatrician yesterday and received a clean bill of health. She is however, to have another check up on Friday (just as a precaution), at which time, we expect her to receive another clean bill of health.

Erin too was very ill after the birth, and gave us all grave cause for concern, but she too is now well on the way to recovery and was released on Friday night also.

My beautiful grand-daughter will feature in this blog, along with my beautiful grandson, often enough to bore you all too tears! I will make no apology for this - it is my right and I intend to exercise that right unto the fullest!
Another wonderful piece of news is that Damien was married on September 11th in London to Anna. Damien could not have made a better choice - Anna is as beautiful on the outside (as the photos will show), as she is on the inside. I am so very happy that she is now my daughter-in-law!!! Damien and Anna's wedding was small, intimate and just perfect from all accounts. Obviously, I wish, along with Kelly and Erin that we could have been there to share in this special day. We will all celebrate this wonderful union when Damien, Anna and Lauren join us for Christmas.

On that note, I am also very excited to tell you that on September 3rd, Damien and Anna had an interview with immigration who granted them a 10 year open visa to visit us here as often as they wish. Kelly, Nate, Erin, Chris, Jim and I, certainly celebrated that news on that day.

I have lots more beautiful wedding photos at the end of this blog.
Signed & Sealed.
The two sisters (Damien's & Anna's)

Late in the day on September 1st, Jim and I began our journey to Atlanta. It was to be a long weekend for Jim as he had the Friday and Monday off work. Although we were travelling on his working days, he was armed with his cell phone and lap top and was able to conduct business as usual. We did stop overnight on our way, arriving in Atlanta on Thursday.

Our journey was such fun, we laughed, joked, sang, talked about our dreams, planned our future as we travelled. On arrival in Atlanta, we shared some very special times with Kelly, Nate, Kyler, Chris and Erin. It seems that children loved Jim and Kyler ditched his Nana (poor me), to play with or to sit on Jim's lap when we babysat.

Erin went into labour on Sunday afternoon, and Kelly and I went to the hospital after dinner to spend a few hours with her, before returning home around mid-night. Jim and Nate waited up for us. Jim and I chatted for awhile and went to bed. I got up around 4am to message the hospital and check on Erin's progress. Jim heard me up and came and joined me for a little while. Erin's progress had stalled, so we both went back to bed. Jim was restless and suffering from heartburn, but finally went to sleep.
Kelly woke me around 5.15 to say, that Chris had called and to get to the hospital asap. I told Jim what I was doing (he was staying with Nate and Kyler and was to join us later after the birth). After showering and changing, I went to kiss Jim goodbye, but he was sleeping, and I didnt want to wake him.

When Rilee was born, I called Jim a couple of times to share the joy, but his phone went unanswered. I was not concerned as we hadn't had much sleep. However, when Nate was preparing to come to the hospital, I asked him to wake Jim as I knew he wanted to come and see the baby before flying home later that day.
Kelly then got a call from Nate saying to come home - Jim was unresponsive and he had called 911. Kelly drove me home and the paramedics told me Jim had died. Kelly knew this as she was driving me home, but she didnt want to tell me then. Nate had attempted CPR as had the paramedics, but it was unsuccessful. The shock and horror of this moment cannot be described. The time frame is a bit of a blur, but it was soon after this news, that we received a call to get to the hospital urgently. A Rapid Response had been called on Erin and her condition was serious and unstable. Rilee had also been rushed to the ICU.

Kelly and Nate rushed straight back to the hospital and I stayed with Jim, the police and paramedics whilst waiting for the medical examiner to arrive. My memory is a bit blurry and I think that with the assistance of the police it is at this time, that I broke the tragic news to his family.
After the respectful removal of Jim's body, I went back to the hospital (Nate came and got me) to visit with Erin who was in ICU. As her condition was not yet stable, I was not allowed to inform her of Jim's death. How we all carried this off, I do not know. She thought our condition was due to concern over her and the baby (it was in part), and she was heavily drugged.
It was not until the next afternoon when she was stable, that we were able to tell her and then I was able to fly back to Michigan that night.
The next few days were largely spent with Jim's warm, loving family and my wonderful "Delton Family" (very close friends).
Jim's visitation was held on Friday night and although very difficult for everyone who loved him, it was also very comforting for me to meet so many of his friends, who told me some wonderful stories about this great man.
Saturday morning there was another visitation before his funeral service. After which a luncheon was held and then, I accompanied his family to the graveside.

Jim had 3 daughters and a son, and 10 grandchildren. His mother, his step-father, 3 brothers and a sister, 3 sisters-in-law and many neices and nephews. His family is close and supportive and loving and reminds me very much of my family in Australia. I will always be very grateful that they embraced me and held me close during this very difficult time.
I write about this in such detail, as so many people have questions regarding his sudden death. It is very difficult to retell this story constantly, yet I understand why his many dear friends have a need to know.
For those of you who were unaware. Jim surprised me one evening with a proposal and a beautiful ring. I accepted his proposal at that time, but I did tell him, I wanted to wait awhile to announce it, as I wanted him to meet the children first. It seems that Jim did announce it to some special colleagues and friends anyway. :) Needless to say when I returned from Atlanta, I took the ring from the drawer and am now wearing it very proudly, but very sadly.
My tribute to Jim
Life with Jim was never dull - we laughed together on our first date and our laughter continued until the day he died.

Our first date was supposed to be for just lunch, but neither of us wanted it to end, so we saw a movie, had coffee, then dinner, then coffee and chatted for hours - finally finishing with a phone conversation when we arrived home, finishing at 3 am and meeting up again at 9am the next day. The next day also consisted of lunch and dinner - we didn't want to be apart and it remained that way with us deciding that life is a gift and we would not waste a day by being apart unless we really had too - today, I am so grateful that we made that decision.

On our second or third date, I could not finish my meal......I said, that was lovely, but I can't finish it". Jim replied with a straight face - "I am paying for it - you will sit at the table til it is all gone". I looked at him in dismay and then he added "you will take it orally, or anally - the choice is yours". I so loved his humour.

One night Jim saved me from a bat. I screamed, he ran up the stairs and said "open the doors, turn on the outside lights, turn off the inside lights". I did as I was instructed within a few minutes, the bat after having flown over my head several time, finally flew out the door to the lights. Jim said "run and shut all the doors". Again I did as I was instructed and he said "there, I saved you, give your hero a big thank you kiss". He had merely stood at the top of the stairs giving instructions and when I realised this, he turned and said "we all learn from experience - next time, I won't even have to run up the stairs".

I cannot hold a tune and my voice is torture to the ears, yet Jim would turn the music on when we were in the car and say "come on baby - sing to me". I would sing out loud while he sat and laughed. No-one else in this entire world lets me sing outside the shower!

Mr. Security as I called him, was horrified that I couldn't find a key to my house and that I left doors open and that half of the town had the code to get into the garage and the house. This concerned him greatly. Obviously, that all changed under his watch - codes are now changed, keys found and doors and windows are locked. I shall try very hard to stick to his rigid rules and I do hope that one day, I will remember the new codes.

I finally got the opportunity to introduce Jim to Kelly & Erin (two of my daughters) and sons-in-law, just days before he died. I was told on day 2 that they had taken a poll and that they all loved him too and that I was allowed to keep him!

Jim was kind, thoughtful, caring, perceptive and so very, very witty. He made me laugh, he made my heart sing and he melted me with his smile. He made me go weak in the knees when he kissed me or held my hand. Every day I spent with Jim was a joy to live and the thought of my tomorrows with Jim filled me with eager anticipation. To grow old with Jim was my dream. He was supposed to be my forever man.

In the blink of an eye it all ended - Jim is now in a far better place and I am left here with a broken heart. I know though that it will mend and I will remember him without tears and heartache. However, my love for him will endure - he is in my heart forever. The pain of losing him, though seemingly unbearable, is still a price I would pay again for the joy of knowing and loving him and having him love me.
Jim was a father, a grandfather a son, a brother, an uncle, a nephew and friend to many. I have included at the end of this blog, more photos of Jim and his family for those of you who wish to see them.
There is a photo of Jim's eldest daughter Kristi with her two boys Brady and Tyler saying goodbye. Several photos of Jim with his darling grandchildren. His four children - Shawn, Kari, Kristi and Stephanie. One with my daughter Kelly and one with his friend in much happier times.

So happy.

So beautiful
London even turned on the sunshine for this wedding!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dear All,

I know I did promise to update this more regularly when I last wrote, however, it seems my good intentions ran away somewhere and joined my broken New Year's Resolutions!!!

Better late than never, so here goes with a condensed version of my life since I last wrote.

As planned, I drove to Chicago and picked Lauren up, on June 21st. I was bursting with excitement as was she. We had lunch and then headed towards Atlanta, stopping for the night around 10pm, some 4 hours from Atlanta. The next day we arrived at Kelly's to an empty house as both Kelly and Nate were at work. Kelly had left a key hidden for us and we phoned to get instructions for disarming the security system. Lauren was designated this task, as I was not to be trusted, as I had set the alarm off on more than one occasion on prior visits. I did offer to assist her, however I was dismissed (untrustworthy), and after all how hard could it be?

Next thing I know, the alarm was sounding!!!! I ran into the house just as Lauren was finally disarming it successfully. It seems, she did know exactly what to do, however, she did forget to ask where the key pad was and had assumed it was just inside the front door. Alas, it was not, and the precious seconds ran out before she found it. We both began to call Kelly and Nate, so they could tell the security people not to send the police (this incurs a hefty charge). Unfortunately, they were both in meetings with their phones switched off, so our calls were to no avail. Instead, we hoped that no-one would come as it only sounded for a few seconds.

As I was outside unpacking the car, the squad car pulled up. I had to explain what had happened and show my id. He was a very pleasant policeman who happened to love Australians, so we did chit chat for awhile, and did our best to sweet talk him (Lauren was the greatest asset here). As I write this, I realise I did not check with Kelly to see if they were charged for the visit.

That afternoon Kelly took us to day care to pick Kyler up and we made her stay outside. Kyler was very excited to see me and ran to me with open arms whilst I melted. I then turned to Lauren and said "look who is here". He said "Lauren" and his little arms went straight to her and then he just snuggled into her. We were both blown away - it seems that because she talks to him on Skype he really knew her and he was so happy to see her.

Each day we spent together in Atlanta was wonderful - some of the highlights were - Erin's baby shower which we gave her at a wonderful restaurant - 4th July barbeque and numerous outings where we had Kyler to ourselves.

While we were there Chris and Erin had a falling out with their landlord who refused to do maintenance on their property and as a consequence, they decided they had to move. Jim and Maura had been staying with them and had painted the nursery in preparation for the baby's arrival, so their decision was not made lightly.

We checked out many homes before they found one suitable and then we began packing. They have since moved in and I will now have to decorate the nursery when I go to await the baby's arrival. They will be happier where they are I am sure and they are still only around 10 minutes from Kelly and Nate's. Erin has only 5 weeks to go and I admit to being very impatient - I just can't wait.

Lauren left for London on 5th July and I headed back to Delton on that day also. I did intend to break up the trip and spend a night somewhere on the way home, but decided to press on as it would have been quite boring to spend an evening by myself in a motel room in a strange town.

My decision was the right one, as I arrived home by 6pm in time to have a coffee with Tom and Linda before unpacking the car and heading out to dinner with John and Alex.

I think I may have mentioned in previous blogs that our "Delton family" has taken up bowling on a Friday night. Rather than decrease in numbers, we have actually grown! We usually bowl two games starting at 6.30 then we go to dinner afterwards. Sometimes we go to a restaurant or sports bar and other times, back to someone's house. We really have a great time. Some of our group have managed to increase their scores a bit, whilst others of us, have remained consistently bad! The scores however, do not reflect our enjoyment level!!!! Mind you, we have a couple of people who may be soon forced out of the group if their scores are maintained or grow!!!

We have had a few get to-gethers since my return. Alex and Woody had July birthdays, so we celebrated with a combined birthday party here one night. As usual, it was a combined effort and everyone had a great time.

It is now under five weeks til my new grand-daughter arrives. The excitement is building and I just can't wait to meet her, and hold her, and cuddle her and love her. It will be incredible. Erin is keeping well and looking great, but her 12 hour shifts on her feet in a busy under-staffed hospital sure wear her out. Hard to believe, but she is perhaps even more anxious for the baby's arrival than I am.

For those of you who don't know, I have been dating recently. There has been a huge gap in my life since Paul's death and I freely admit that I was lonely. Anyway, I did meet some very nice men and had some nice dates, until I met Jim and then it all changed. Jim is a wonderful man from Grand Rapids and we "clicked" right from our first date. Needless to say, he is now a constant in my life and I am very, very happy to have met him. Like me Jim is 58 and has 3 daughters and a son. I have met one daughter and found her to be delightful. I have also met his mother and step-father on numerous occasions and last weekend I met his brother, sister-in-law and their children. We had a great time and he certainly has a lovely family. Obviously, there are many more to meet and I am looking forward to meeting them all in the not too distant future. PS Went to Jim's mother's house yesterday and met his sister Kate, nephew Nick and his fiancee Patty - another lovely branch of his family!

It was election day here yesterday and a huge event for me. I have been hosting meetings here over the course of months as part of a "No Recall" committee. It is an issue I felt very strongly about and one I could not ignore. A committee called for a recall of elected officials based on a very nasty campaign of lies. We have all worked hard over these months and last night our efforts were rewarded! Justice was served and the people of our township voted not to have a recall. I am very lucky to have met some really wonderful people during this campaign - people who worked hard, gave their time, their money and their efforts to ensure that democracy was upheld. It seems for all the "bad guys" out there, there are many, many good ones and it makes me very proud of my American citizenship.

Well summer here has been very, very hot and it seems there is no end in sight to this heat at the moment. We have also had lots of summer rain and storms and the lake has not gone down at all - it in fact remains at its highest level in years.

I have had no interest in the house and will remove it from the market at the end of September. It would have been nice to have had it sold, but I do admit, although it is way too big, it still brings me immense pleasure. I enjoy my morning coffee on the deck overlooking the lake and am awe-struck at the many pleasures I find each day. We have a doe with twins who still have their spots, who graze on the back lawn. The birds attack the bird feeder continuously and I even managed to spot a barn owl sitting in the garden the other morning. It was huge. We also have a family of geese - mum, dad and 7 babies that peck the lawn for the fallen bird seed. I really enjoyed them until I discovered that they "poop" like dogs - not little balls like sheep! Consequently, Jim bought a pellet gun and we now blast them each time they decide to drop by and drop stuff on my lawn!!!

Since beginning the blog, I have received a phone call from my realtor to say that he has a group of people who want to view the house next week. They are interested in it for a conference/counselling centre or some such thing. They have seen the virtual tour and are coming from Chicago. Fingers crossed that it is what they want/need. Meanwhile, I shall have to do some serious gardening despite the intense heat.

Well folks, that is all for now - as usual, I have waffled on a lot. Photos at the bottom for anyone interested.

Love to you all - Kathy

PS Check out this great website It is owned by an Aussie friend of mine.

Jim - reluctantly posing for a photo
in the living room.

Erin with 5 weeks to go.

Colleen with her sparkler on
July 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Kyler with his blue 4th July
cup cake

Alex on her birthday

Lauren & Kyler with a

The kids enjoying their

4th July gathering.

Fun in the pool

Kyler with his best mate

Aunty Lauren on
towing duty

Off to school with his
back pack and mummy

Aunty Lauren & Kyler
in the pool

From left
Lauren, Erin, Kelly
& Chris

Baby shower

Mummy & Kyler

Nana got him a truck
for the baby shower

Baby shower

Lauren - I miss her so much

Me with my darling boy

Me with my beautiful

Dog days of summer