Saturday, April 12, 2008


Dear All,
I know this blog is a bit overdue thanks to all the email reminders I have received, so rather than make up excuses and respond individually, I decided it was time to make the effort.
I lost a couple of weeks in March as I had the flu for the first time in years and it knocked me for a six! I never get the flu shot as I rarely get the flu, but I will get it in future, as my biggest concern was that Paul catch it from me. Luckily he gets his shot every year, and it did prevent him catching it.
We have had a mixture of weather and the warm days bought with them renewed energy and we both began to get busy, inside and out, but unfortunately, the weather has turned cold again, and very windy and a lot of our outside work has been undone by the wind! Friday we had almost 80 and Saturday was in the 40's and we have a threat of rain and snow tonight!!!

We know spring is around the corner as things are beginning to green up. The sandhill cranes returned on St. Patrick's day, the geese are back and some particularly keen ones have even had babies! We have a pair of rare trumpet swans living just behind the house, and we have witnessed their mating dance (yep - porn on the lake). We are hopeful they will stay around and have their babies here too.

Our 'snow birds" i.e. neighbors who leave the lake during the winter for warmer climates are now all back. Our Saturday morning breakfasts were resumed a few weeks ago and we now have our full complement. Our numbers have swelled considerably and we now have to call ahead and reserve a table to ensure we can all sit together.

Apart from our Saturday breakfasts, we often have Sunday brunch with John and Alex, and manage to get together for a weekday meal as well. So as you can see we are doing our best to keep the local restaurants in business.

March and April have been a bit traumatic to say the least. A very special Australian friend was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor after a biopsy, cat scan and pet scan and was given successful surgery to remove it. It was growing in the muscle and he consequently had his muscle removed. Three pathologists analysed and disected the tumor and found no trace of cancer! The doctors were unable to explain it - however, Paul and Heather believe prayer power worked. He is now on the road to recovery and hopefully they will be here in the States in July to stay with us!!!

Erin was found to have a lump in the breast and was told it presented as "text book cancer". She too had an urgent sonar gram, but was told it looked harmless. She is soon to have that confirmed by her specialist. I admit to feeling some concern, although, I was very optomistic she would be cleared.

One of our neighbours Jim, had a tumor removed from his bladder last week which they said was cancer. His surgery was successful and he is awaiting results later this week. He is a great friend and neighbour and we are praying for good results.

Another very dear friend in Australia lost her brother in a housefire last week. He is going to be buried on Tuesday. Please keep her in your prayers as well.

Hopefully, that will be the end of bad news for us all for a long time.

My neice in Australia gave birth to a beautiful baby boy called Jude. He is absolutely gorgeous and they have named him Jude. I have included some pictures of him at the end of the blog. They are both very well and I can't wait to meet him.

I have another neice due to have a baby in early May so I guess my blog will be filled with baby pictures again next month.

My darling grandson is growing quickly and beautifully and I am going to Atlanta to visit them for Memorial Weekend and I can hardly wait. Obviously, there are more pictures of him in the blog as well.

Damien is doing well. He has recently purchased a work van as he has some very big jobs coming up and he also bought a dirt bike. I am not too happy about the later, but have no say in the matter. I hated it in Australia when he had dirt bikes and motor bikes as I feel they are so dangerous.

Poor Lauren has taken another beating recently. She has been working in a forensic lab in an administrative capacity, with her goal being to actually get into the lab. She had been tested on her lab work and passed and consequently applied for a position within the lab. Her role would have been testing blood and then court reporting. They agreed to give her the position but when they checked out her personnel file, they found she had never been granted a security pass. She is unable to get a security pass, as one of the stipulations is that you have to reside in the UK for three years and she has only been there a bit over a year. So, not only, did she not get the position, she was removed from her admin. position as well. Her boss tried everything, but there are no exceptions, she now works in an admin. position in another lab, that does not require the same security. She was very upset, as were we all.

Life has treated her so unfairly since we left Australia - it breaks my heart as in each situation we are powerless to help. We miss her dreadfully and can only pray that the road life is taking her along works out for the best.

Kelly and Nate are both well also - as I said, I will see them in May and then they are coming her for the 4th of July long weekend.

Our 4th of July weekend will now be a very special celebration indeed. We will not only celebrate Independence day but we will celebrate Erin and Chris' engagement. Yep - they got engaged on the 25th April (ANZAC Day). We are very happy for them. We love Chris too and he will be a welcome addition to our family.

We knew it was going to happen as Chris asked our permission, so I was busting with excitement and kept my secret.

They don't intend to marry until after May next year as she will graduate (hopefully) from her nursing degree in May. It will be fun planning a wedding! I don't care what happens, Lauren must be here for the wedding, even if we have to dye her skin brown, her hair black and teach her Spanish!!!!!

We had a friends and neighbours get together here on Friday (over 30 people). We had a great night - we have some truly wonderful friends and neighbours here. Everyone bought a plate and we had a gourmet meal. It is great to taste everyone's different dishes.

Paul had a check up with his cardiologist recently and was told he is doing well - good news indeed! Obviously, he is not better as that can't happen, and he has good days and bad days, but the good ones far outweigh the bad.

Next weekend we are off to Chicago to celebrate Sid and Mary's 50th wedding anniversary. We are really looking forward to catching up with everyone. We will probably leave here on the Saturday and return Sunday night or Monday.

Lastly, I am well and am looking forward to the summer. Although I don't like the intense heat, I do love our long, lazy days and boat rides. I love that we can grill out most evenings and sit out on the deck in the evenings.

Well folks, love to everyone -

Paul and Kathy

Erin's engagement ring!!

Kyler after eating carrots!

You going to pick me up????????

Watch out - here I come!

Jude - my beautiful great nephew!


mary said...

So glad to see another posting from you. I look every day for new writing from you. Connie called and told me about your party and said she forgot her camera and didn't think you took photos either,, Geeeshee... She also forgot to remind you of my blog.

It looks like the Grandson likes to wear his carrots too.

You have a very active and interesting life indeed..


Nichole said...

I am so glad you included me in your email list. I am almost finished with your book. Thank you for sharing. It has educated me. My blog isn't as interesting but you are invited just the same.