Thursday, November 1, 2007

The last of the Fall colours on our property

Dear All,

Today is November 1st (Happy Birthday John), the fall beauty is slowing beginning to fade and the winter scape gathers momentum daily. The Fall colours have been so beautiful, but as with everything else they bring their scourge. It is impossible to keep the decks clear of leaves. At times it is impossible to even see the wood. I spent hours and hours (well maybe an hour or so), outside sweeping and later when I went out, you couldn't see where I had been! I have now wised up and the leaves can stay there until the last leaf has fallen or a strong wind blows them elsewhere.

I guess I am a bit of a pyromaniac as I built the best fire and only then did the effort seem worth it - the smell is like no other - it makes a coffee even taste better and wine smoother still! It is a tiny taste of heaven to sit by a leaf fire on a sunny day with a glass of wine.

As I told you all last newsletter, I was heading back to Atlanta. I stayed 10 days and although I missed Paul it was hard to leave even then. Our grandson is such a joy and obviously, Kelly needed help. It has been very tough on her coping with a new baby, whilst sore and anemic. Kyler is doing very well, and at his check up just one week after his birth - he had managed to not just regain his birth weight, but to added a pound since his hospital release. He had also grown an inch and a half!!!

After I came home his other Grandma and Nate's sister Mandy went to assist for three days. Kelly was so glad to have their help and was very reluctant to let them leave. They cleaned house, cooked and feed Kyler through the night to enable Kelly and Nate to have some much needed uninterrupted sleep.

While I was away Paul managed to keep himself very busy. During the first part of my absence, Bob Bennett came to stay and they cleared and cleaned the barn to make space for the storage of our pontoon boat, Bobby's motor boat and two other pontoon boats belonging to friends. They also worked on Paul's hunting blind or should I say hunting lodge!!! Paul's blind is solidly constructed of timber with windows, flyscreens, insulated roofing, carpeting, stairs with handrails, chairs with footrests, heater and God knows what else. It has also been loving painted (camo colours). As it is bow and arrow season, Paul can be found in the blind every evening by 5pm, returning home around 7.30 p.m. He sometimes goes early morning as well. He goes alone and he goes with friends. It seems it may also be a bit of a chick magnet as I know he has had several female visitors as well. Good thing I trust him eh?

The pictures of the blind does not show it completed. It has since had steps and rails added, a door, roofing and carpeting - yes carpeting. It has a heater - God forbid they get cold when hunting. Paul has a chair and footrest, but is on the hunt for a couple of recliners!

Sid (cousin), came to stay for a few days after Bobby left, so needless to say, Paul had a great time as it was rather like a bachelors dream. Good food, good friends and no one to worry about!

Last night was Halloween here in the States and no-one here in Delton bothered to take the 300ft+ trek up our unlite driveway looking for candy. Good thing that was, as I didn't buy candy this year, as Paul and I usually manage to wade our way through it very quickly.

Kyler was dressed and ready to receive all callers in Atlanta and he looked so cute in his little Tiger outfit, purchased for him by his other doting Grandma!

(Note he does not take after his Nana, as he clearly has two eyes)

Paul and along, along with John and Alex recently went to Red Lobster for dinner. They have a promotion going called "endless shrimp". Obviously this means that one can eat as much shrimp/prawns as they desire - they can be breaded/crumbed, garlic or alfredo. As we are great seafood fans, we eat there on a regular basis, never missing their special promotions. However, any Americans reading this should be aware, that it is very likely that the most recent promotion will be their last. Alex and I could not believe the amount of shrimp that John and Paul managed to put away!!! I lost count, but would not be surprised to hear that it could have made the Guiness Book of Records. As usual we had a good night though and lots of laughs.

At the moment I have a special friend who recently underwent a double masectomy and breast reconstruction. I will not mention her name for fear of embarrassing her or invading her privacy. The reason I mention her is because she always told me she was wimpy but here she is only having had the surgery at the end of September, out walking in between chemo sessions, so she won't get unfit and lazy. She is now half way though chemo and she is bald and beautiful.
She is an inspiration to me and many others and I applaud you dear, nameless friend! Everyone, please say a prayer for her to help her fight the good fight.

I am off to Atlanta on the 14 of this month for a couple of days. I return on the 18th with Kelly and Kyler in tow and Nate will join us on the 22nd for Thanksgiving and will take Kelly and Kyler home with him on the 23rd. Erin will also be on a college break that week, so she will join us as well. I am looking forward to it.

Bobby Bennett is coming up this week again for a few days, Rita, Tom and Srs. Lucille and Sandi are coming for the weekend and while I'm away this time, Gerry and Mike another two friends will be here for the Friday and Saturday.

Paul has been selected to join the hunts at both Fort Custer and Lux Arbor this year, so he is very excited. It is bow and arrow season right now and he has his sights set on a 10 point buck which flaunts itself just out of range most days. Paul says, once gun season comes - the buck will be on the wall if it manages to dodge the arrow! Meanwhile, I am happy to amuse myself whilst he hunts!

Well folks thats all for now, hopefully I will have some tales next newsletter about Thanksgiving and our visitors!

At the end of this newsletter I am going to add some of my favorite baby pictures - sorry, but I can't help myself.

Love to all,

At left - Kyler on his 2 week birthday.
Below - a sleeping angel.

Ar you going to pick me up Nana? Both looking at the camera

The scenes below are daytime and sunset out the back window.


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