Tuesday, August 7, 2007

July Community Email

Dear All,
Okay, so I know it is August, but July disappeared in the blink of an eye and I just didn't get around to writing!
I love July in America - firstly, it is slap, bang in the middle of summer, plus, it is very festive because of 4th July. Independence Day celebrations start long before the 4th and continue on way past.
There are many holiday makers who come to stay in various rental properties on the lake, and they bring with them lots and lots of fireworks. Naturally, we take advantage of the free displays and sit out on the deck of an evening with a glass of wine and munchies and wait to be entertained. We are not often disappointed.
On the 4th, we went to a barbeque at a neighbours place, where we enjoyed great food and got to meet a lot of new people, all of whom proved to be a lot of fun. Our Lake Association also holds a decorated boat competition and the various boats parade around the lake for all to see. This year we didn't join in, as we were far to busy to be organised in time - but we have vowed to be better organised next year. Believe it or not, we confess to coming home late afternoon for a "Nana Nap" to recharge the batteries and returned again at dark in time to view the various displays around the lake. It was an awesome display, leaving us feeling like 'bobble heads' as we twisted and turned and oohed and aahed in every direction.
On the 7th we headed off to Chicago early in the morning to visit with Paul's cousin Murphy and his wife Millie. After our visit we went to Paul's annual family picnic. They have been holding a picnic each year for the past 18 years! It is held in a forest preserve and once again Paul's cousin Sid, his wife Mary and their adult children organised the event. They have lots of games for the children and the adults and the day is never long enough to catch up with everyone.
This year, our friends John and Vickie and their children popped in also to catch up with us. Another friend Rochelle also met us there and late in the afternoon we headed back to Michigan with Rochelle following us as she was coming to visit for a few days. When we arrived home around 8pm, after having left at 6 am, we joined our next door neighbours at the tail end of their annual family picnic.
Larry and Jan are great neighbours and it was good to meet their extended family. It was a shame the dates clashed as it would have been great to share the entire day with them.
On the Sunday, another friend Frank came to stay and we enjoyed a leisurely boat ride, good food (once again), and a lot of laughs.
Monday morning, Frank and Paul took off on ATV and in the car to do "boys stuff" and returned in time to enjoy a grill out before Frank headed off back to Chicago.
Once he left, Paul complained of feeling tired (as were we all) and he took himself off for an afternoon snooze. Rochelle and I laid low also for awhile, but Paul slept on and when I went to wake him in time to shower and change as Rochelle was taking us out to dinner, he complained of feeling unwell.
I slipped into my "nursie" role, took his temperature and checked him and called the doctor who said to get him to ER. Our little trip to ER lasted 8 days, as Paul had a urinary tract infection which in turn led to Sepsis.
Prior to discharge, Paul had a Pic inserted and on discharge, we had to go to the infusion centre each morning. They set him up with antiobiotics which were pumped into his system over a 24 hour period via the pic. He was discharged on the Monday and then had the Pic removed the following Saturday much to our relief. He was given the all clear and we were finally able to sleep in!!
Paul is improving steadily, but still has home nursing and therapists visits here at home. It really knocked the wind out of his sails as he suffered muscle breakdown. Paul has more lives than a cat and once again, he beat the odds!! He is one brave, determined man.
Unfortunately with Paul's sudden illness, I was unable to fly to Atlanta for Kelly's Baby Shower. I was sorry to miss it as Kelly said it was fantastic. She was overwhelmed with the trouble her girlfriends went too and with the generosity of the gifts. I have put some pictures on the blog under Kelly's Baby Shower if anyone wants to look.
Nate's colleagues also put on a baby shower for them last week and once again, they were both blown away with everyone's generosity!
Erin was accepted into nursing school and begins her course on the 27th of this month. She was up recently for a visit with her boyfriend Chris and is hoping to come back next weekend before she begins her course. She will be 22 on the 22nd of this month!
She is currently in New Orleans enjoying a four day stay. Chris had to go on business, so he bought an extra ticket and took her along. She seems to be enjoying it immensely, but alas she has had a stomach upset. She drank water out of the tap - not advisable in New Orleans I would think. Although a lot of the city is up and running, she said there is still a lot of buildings boarded up and many signs of devastation. She said although it is a fun place, it is a very sad place as well. It seems there are many poor people there who should be receiving help and they are being neglected - it is just not right.
Kelly's pregnancy is still progressing well and I am busting with excitement. It is just under 7 weeks to go and I can't wait. Doctor says everything appears to be normal and he is no longer breech - he had the good sense to turn around. Given that he moves continuously, who knows which way he will end up!!!
All is well in England with Damien and Lauren. Lauren is still desperately trying to find employment other than bar work, but as yet, she has had no success. Her lack of work experience here in the States is working against her.
The photo above is obviously Paul and his buddy Mack (our Aussie Shepherd). Mack loves to ride on the boat and one evening we had our friends John and Alex, along with Alex's mum Krista over for dinner and a boat ride. Krista took the photo and emailed it to us.
At the end of July we went to Dave and Sandi's for a pig roast. It was unbelievable! They have around 20 acres and each year they hold a special family and friends weekend. Many family members bring trailers(caravans) and tents and camp on the property for the weekend. They put up marquees and tables and chairs etc. and on the Saturday night roast a pig. I was so sorry I didn't take my camera. I was awestruck when I saw the pig. It was a huge, huge black pig laying spread-eagled on a big kettle grill. It still had its head (open eyes), and its legs and its skin etc. A friend took photos for me, but he hasnt emailled them onto me yet!
All the guests bring their own drinks and a plate of food to share. It was a gourmet feast and it too was followed by a great fireworks display!! Once again, we got to catch up with friends and to meet a lot of new people. By gosh I love country living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August was just about fully booked up - Sr. Sandi's Golden Jubilee on the 5th. We were sorry to miss it and believe it was a great day with around 370 guests!! On the 11th, John and Vickie are hosting an Open House (house warming for the Aussies), and on the 17th, Tabatha and Chad (friends of Erin and us), are getting married and Erin is a bridesmaid. Unfortunately, with Paul's health, we decided to stay in Michigan and allow him ample time to recover.
Paul and I are taking legal action against our General Contractor and on the 15 and 16 August, the opposing attornies are coming to our house to take our depositions. I am dreading it, but it must be done, as this guy is a crook and must be stopped.
Well folks, as usual, I have rambled quite a bit, so will finish up for now.
Love to everyone - Paul and Kathy.
PS - Richard and Christine - your trip sounds wonderful - perhaps you could set up a blog and share some photos.
Maureen - some photos of the various birthday parties and new house are in order!
David and Ali - we are in Michigan and Kelly is in Atlanta. Try and fit us in when you come to Utah - we would love to see you both.
Paul and Dot - you would be blown away at the bird life we can view from our chairs on the back deck. Various woodpeckers, blue jays, red winged blackbirds, American gold finch, tufted titmouse, various gosbecks, bald eagles, hawks and many more. My favourite is the humming birds. They are so tiny - only 2 to 3 inches, and they are constantly sipping from the humming bird feeders during the course of the day!
Heather - great to get your newsy email - hope this one covers me.
Tom and Eileen - perhaps when both Paul and Eileen are recovered we could meet at Blue Chip Casion for a catch up and a meal????????
Donna - hope you are doing okay - we think of you often.
Karin - am glad to hear you are on the road to recovery at last.
Frank - I will get you that other web site later today.
Lou - Make sure you show this email to Dennis for me!
Sheryl - was great to chat the other night.

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